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Viana do Castelo hosts an international conference on offshore renewable energies

Viana do Castelo hosts an international conference on offshore renewable energies that brings together entrepreneurs, entities, and Ministries

Viana do Castelo promotes, on July 23, an international conference on offshore renewable energies and the new challenges of decarbonization, which will count with the participation of entrepreneurs, entities and the Ministries of Environment, Economy and Science. The conference “Energias Renováveis ​​Offshore” will take place this Friday, from 9:00 am, at the Hotel Flôr de Sal.

The presidents of the Agency for Development and Cohesion, I.P. and the North Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-Norte), within the framework of national and regional energy and regional development strategies. Also present will be the president of the National Commission for Monitoring the PRR – Recovery and Resilience Plan, António Costa e Silva.

It should be recalled that the municipality of Viana do Castelo is positioning itself through its attractiveness for new strategic investments in the field of oceanic renewable energies with the ultimate goal of being a neutral city by 2027, thus contributing to the country’s ambitious goals and the European Union.

The great potential for the production of oceanic renewable energies that the municipality of Viana do Castelo has on its Atlantic coast has attracted great interest from several national and international companies in the energy sector. The development of a strong Offshore Energy Cluster in Portugal, wind energy and wave energy, already started in Viana do Castelo with the Windfloat project, has also mobilized national Universities and Polytechnic Institutes to set up an International Energy Testing Center Offshore, associated with an Innovation and Development Center.

According to the Mayor, José Maria Costa, “this conference could, through the presence of renowned speakers in the various thematic panels, help to identify the new investment projects that are being prepared not only in the areas of energy production. as in technological and scientific systems”.

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