Vibrações Ensemble this Saturday at Malaposta!
With different musical approaches from different instrumentalists a space of union between different sounds is created. Currently, Vibrações Ensemble presents itself as an independent group, a project of the Zarambel Cultural Association, in an attempt to create, reproduce and disseminate a new Portuguese repertoire.
Read also the inspirations of the band Mundo Cão in an interview and with a concert scheduled for October 18th. And much more! Visit us and invite your friends to visit the Centro Cultural Malaposta!
How do you define your musical project?
“We aim to bring together a lot of good things from classical music, jazz and world music, make our small contribution and have a good time together, on stage and off. We have a lot of original music and we also make versions of songs that we like, always giving the “vibrations” stamp.”
The name of Malaposta comes up as?
“As the group was born at the D. Dinis Conservatory of Odivelas, when we learned that the space had new management (we already knew the space well) we asked, because we needed a space to record our album, and we were very well received, and In the summer we were working hard!”
OCT 12
SAT – 10PM
What is it like working with such important names in our culture as Adolfo Luxúria Canibal or Valter Hugo Mãe?
It is a luck and a privilege. In fact, we have such talented authors and lyricists who contribute some of their talent to our themes and it is an undeniable asset.
Valter or Adolfo (and José Luís Peixoto or Carlos Conceição) are, in addition to exceptional word tamers, true music lovers, and music lovers, so it is very easy to work with them: they know a lot of music, they master styles appreciate the history of popular and erudite culture. They are therefore our choices forever. And we were very happy to accompany us in our compositions.
Malaposta is one of the theaters with the most cultural tradition in the Greater Lisbon area, and has a new and extremely valid project. The room will allow us to make a more intimate concert, to our liking. And it makes perfect sense to participate with what we do artistically in this same project, contributing to the history of the recent Malaposta Cultural Center.
OCT 17
Thu – 10 pm