
Virgin Suta and HMB are first confirmations for Jardim Fest

The HMB and the Virgin Suta are the first heads of the fifth edition of Jardim Fest, which will be held this year at the Ponta Delgada Urban Park, from September 6th to 8th.

[dropcap type=”background”]C[/dropcap]onfirmed are, for 06, the pop/rock band from Beja, Virgin Suta, active for eleven years and with three discs released, and on 07, the HMB, Portuguese band of soul and funk, with a career of twelve years, that counts also with three discs.

The festival, which celebrates its fifth anniversary this year, began at the António Borges Garden, but last year it moved to the Ponta Delgada Urban Park.

This is the first time it has been extended for three days, and Sunday afternoon is “exclusively dedicated to children,” explained Filipe Mota, the festival’s director.

The organizer explained that Jardim Fest left Jardim António Borges, where the first three editions were made due to the limited capacity of the space, and that the Ponta Delgada Urban Park, which has hosted the festival since 2018, has “more space to work and expand the festival at the offer level.

In addition to music, other activities are also developed, such as plastic arts – an activity that will feature the presence of several plastic artists – or dance, through a partnership with Studio 13, which is also in charge of curator of the outdoor cinema cycle.

The 2019 edition of Jardim Fest is dedicated to “ecology and the promotion of good environmental practices“, with an effort on the part of the organization to keep the festival sustainable, using renewable energies, for example, but also through the attempt to “ positively influence the attitudes of the younger audience “.

The festival was created with the “intention to draw people’s attention to the unused green spaces“, and also intends to teach to preserve them.

Virgin Suta and HMB are the first confirmations of the festival, where a dozen bands will pass, and whose poster will be announced on June 5, World Environment Day.

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