
Virtual technology will support psycho-emotional project in classrooms

The project “O Eu e o Nós das Emotions” created by Universidade Portucalense (UPT), in collaboration with the SPO of the Grouping of Schools Gaia Nascente and with the Institute of Systems and Robotics of the University of Coimbra (ISR-UC), has just be selected to join the Gulbenkian Knowledge Academies 2020 initiative.

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he main intentions are to promote self-knowledge, through the ability to identify with others and express our own emotions, to train strategies of emotional self-regulation focused on reassurance and compassion, to encourage behaviors of conscience and social cohesion, cooperation and connection with others.

The plan aims to work together with teachers to help them deal effectively with their emotions and those of children in the classroom.

The team, which is composed of teachers from UPT and researchers from INPP (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Humano Portucalense), has the mission to develop, apply and evaluate the effectiveness of a psycho-emotional intervention program supported by virtual technologies for children in the 3rd and 4th years of schooling.

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