WASH YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH live-streaming this Sunday
WASH YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH Festival brings artists together for a new live-stream this Sunday, April 12th
[dropcap type=”default”]H[/dropcap]aving accomplished the objectives of spreading the word about the essential practices to deal with this pandemic situation, and faced with a warm and encouraging reception from the public, the organization of the WYHSY – Online Festival came to the conclusion that its task was still far from complete.
Combating the loneliness of those at home and drawing attention to the precarious situation with which many artists, privately engaged in their activity, are struggling, are objectives that complement the initial idea of the festival and are of insurmountable urgency.
We are all at home complying with the instructions of the health professionals, who are the ones who give the body to the bullets. The feeling of helplessness was transformed into perseverance and a willingness to give back, albeit in a modest way, the festival decided to give us music!
On April 12, Sunday from 4 pm, the Festival WASH YOUR HANDS SAY YEAH will make its second live-stream with the participation of Frankie Chavez, The Dirty Coal Train, Suave, Adolfo Luxuria Canibal with Marta Abreu, Terry Lee Hale, Budda Guedes, Ash Lewis, Rapaz Improvisado, Oclaire and with the usual presentation by Nuno Calado.
The live-stream will be held on the festival’s Facebook page.