
‘When Sentences Are Band Names’ released two singles

Released on July 3rd, the new singles from When Sentences Are Band Names, are the definition of the band’s sound.

After some initial experiences with the release of the EP of the same name, which saw the union of influences and a process of self-identification, through the experience of various sounds and genres, the band intends to affirm its style and define its music.

Father Figure” and “Locked Up” represent the maturation of Pedro Martins (drummer), André Martins (guitarist), João Pedro Pinho (synthesizer), João Mota (bassist) and Tiago Cabral (vocalist) as a band.

With distinctive singularities, singles are “the culmination of the journey so far, but not necessarily the route yet to be traveled, nor the final goal for the identity of each musician and the band as a whole”, explain the musicians.

The growth of When Sentences Are Band Names is audible in its music that goes through experimental, alternative, progressive, rock.

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